(D2) Demonstrate how the advertisements design links to the brief

Throughout the creation process of my different advertisements, I made sure that the designs followed both the strict and more vague comments from the client brief. This was evident with certain styles throughout all of my advertisements, and makes sure that the client will be happy with the advertisements as they link back to the client brief.

Can Design and Logo - 

The first design I started out with was my logo and can design. This is because these were the smallest tasks to do, whilst also being some of the most important.
I found a 3D render of a can online for free, and used that as the base of my can design. This was good as it means that I have the exact measurements of what size the can design frontage will be, and I am completely certain that it will fit on the can. 

This is the blank template for the can design. I started this design on Adobe Photoshop, as it is the best to use for editing and design, I also later used Adobe Illustrator which is also very good for designs.

Idea 1 - 
In my can design, I wanted to incorporate the colour scheme into both the logo and the can. This was not explicit in the brief, as it said that only the logo had to be orange and pink. However, I decided that I wanted the can design to match the logo, as I thought it would embody the style of the drink more than just the logo.
This is what the render of the design looked like without the logo which I had not created yet. This design was a nice style, and had the fitting colour scheme and logo idea, however, I chose not to use this design as I felt it was not interesting, and did not show much about the overall style of the drink. This style also had no link to the Bubble in the name, which I included in the second design.

Creating the Bubble and Fizz Logo - 
 In order to create a logo for my client, I needed to stick to the brief. There is one requirement for the logo from the brief and that is that the logo has a orange and pink colour theme on it, so I needed to incorporate this somehow.

I started with creating three circles for my logo. I made one which was light grey; the smallest. I made another which was slightly bigger which was a darker grey, and I then created a circle with a pink and orange gradient so that I adhered to the colour scheme.

I then made the rest of the start of the logo, as the idea I had was to make the top of a can. All I used to do this was the curvature and the pen tool to create the shapes, and then changed the colours.
I then also used the type on a path tool in order to create the text around the logo. I typed the company name onto the logo so that the logo can act as a call to action, which will help the target 10% sales increase.

Newspaper Print Design - 
This is the design that I started for my billboard. I imported a free PNG photo I found online of some orange slices to a similar background that I had to my first can design. I then created a drop shadow effect on the photo to make it look like it had a shadow.
I then created an outer glow effect, with minimal blur and the divide effect, so that the oranges had an outline that stood out from the background and had the fun bold style that I want to achieve.

After seeing the progress from this design, I decided not to use it as I thought that it did not embody the style I wanted from the advertisement.

Print Advertisement Attempt 2 - 

For my Print Advertisement, I started with using Adobe Illustrator to create the design. I opened a Blank Document and set the size to A4. I did this as this print design was for a poster, which is usually in an A size format. The exact sizes of my template are in the image above.
I then added a gradient by using the gradient tool at the left of the document. I made the colours pink and orange to suit the brief's explicit colour scheme.

after this, I used the curvature tool to create these shapes. I used these shapes specifically as they look very similar to bubbles, which links to the brands name.

I then added more bubbles with radial gradient on them, so that the bubbles fit in even more with teh pink-orange colour scheme. I also added an orange which is created in illustrator which links back to the flavour of the drink which I have chosen, which is orange and raspberry.

I added another section here in the top left using the curvature tool again just so that I had no blank space that would decrease the professional quality of the advertisement.
I then added in a PNG of my drinks can, so that I have a call to action and a reminder of what the can looks like in the advertisement. Using this is likely to boost sales more towards the 10% goal that has been set by the client that created the brief.

These are the fonts that I used. I used the Lostar font for the text at the top as I thought that it fit the drinks brand stylistically. I used the Sherman font for the bold text that i needed to use, as it was slightly bubbly which fits the brand image.

Completed Print Advertisement - 

Billboard advertisement - 

This is my first billboard design attempt. I started off by using the shape tool to create the can with a  gradient over it. I then imported the Bubble and Fizz logo into the document to place onto the can. I tried to use a gradient background and add some bubble shapes into the advertisement. However i did not use this idea as it did not look professional, was too much on the eyes and did not convey much about the drink, with no slogan being presented.

This means I did not go forward with this design.

Final Billboard Design -

For my final design, I decided to use a halved, two-colour scheme. For this design, I used illustrator exclusively, as it gave me more creative control over what I was making. I will show progress here and explain the tools I used. This was pre installed on my computer and completely up to date.
I started with a blank illustrator document, and used the shape tool to insert two rectangles of the exact same size. I then group selected both shapes and made them smaller to create the border of the image. I used the auto align feature on illustrator to ensure that the shapes were the same size.
This generated the base for my design and to think of ideas that I could use. I made sure to use this colour scheme as it linked to the client brief. 
The client did not specify that I needed to use this colour scheme in my advertisements; just in my logo. However I thought a specific theme with this logo would work nicely for the atmosphere of the drink, so I used it throughout all of my advertisements.
Here I inserted the text that is my slogan for this specific advertisement. I started by downloading the 'sherman' font on dafont.com and then used this font on my template. I created all of the text at the same size in three sections. I then selected the first and second sections of this text which was 'your' and 'reminder'. 
I used this as a link to the client brief as the text has a bold shape, which can be linked to the 'bubble' in bubble and fizz. I also used this outlined text to show as a more realistic interpretation of bubbles, as they have no solid colour and a white outline

I then used the Stroke tool that can be seen above, and changed the stroke of the words to 2mm. This means that the outside of the letters get outlined. After this i changed the colour to white and removed the colour from the original image to created the outlined text.

After doing this, I wanted to create a subtle glow around the text to add more focus to it but also stylize it. To do this, I used the tool above and the 'outer glow' option to create the glow around the letters on the advert. This created a subtle change that suited the bubble and bright style of the drink. This also generated a more 'fun' design, which in response to the client brief, would be more ideal for a target audience of 18-24 year old's as the colours are more bright and contrasted which suits a younger tagrte audience.
Here I imported the 3D render that I created for my drink, all I needed to do for this was export the photo as a PNG from photoshop into OneDrive, and then importing the photo into illustrator. I could use a PNG photo as I did not want a background, and I also did not need to edit the can any further. I then just relocated the can into the middle of the left side of the screen where my orange shape was.
I used this can design to show an audience what the product looks like, so they know what it is and if they see it they can recognise it. This should help boost sales from the advertisement.
This is the text that I created for the background of my drink. This was simple to make, as all i needed to do was type 'bubble.and.fizz' into the text tool, and use the sherman font that I installed earlier. I then copied and pasted this phrase until it could fill my screen and changed the opacity of the text to 70%, so it was not as bright as pure white. However, this created an issue, as it was a higher layer than everything else so it was over the top of it.
In order to fix this, i just changed the layer positioning to behind the first pink square that I created at the start, which means that the text filed behind these, and looked how I wanted it to look.

The final step of my design was to add in my call to action. This was just as simple as importing the saved PNG file that I had of my logo and placing and resizing it to be a small logo in the bottom right. I also then added my weblink by typing 'www.bubbleandfizz.com' into the text tool as resizing it to a very small size. I then placed it under my logo in the bottom right.
I made sure to include this as in the brief the client stated they wanted a 10% increase in sales. This will help reach that goal as it adds a call to action for a customer to learn more about the drink and buy the drink.

Completed Billboard - 

After this, I made sure that I faded each object away when necessary. In order to do this I pressed t on my keyboard to open the opacity settings, and then changed the opacity in the certain timeframes that I needed to change it in.

Social Media Video Advertisement - 

For my video advertisement, I used Adobe After Effects throughout the entire creation process as it is the best video editing software for effects and transitions.

To start off with, I created a new template for after effects with an orange background to fit in with the colour scheme. I made the template 1080x1080 in a square as that is one of the main and most popular Instagram post sizes

After creating this, I imported three PNGs from Adobe Illustrator. These included my 'BREAK GLASS' PNG with the break glass illustration that I created. I also added one which no longer had the glass on it, which I would use after the glass broke. I also then imported the PNG of my can so that I can use it to move around in the video.

This is the first shot of my video advertisement. This is just a PNG photo that I imported from Adobe illustrator. I created this in my own time before starting to create the video.
I imported these images into the channels in the bottom of after effects, and made sure the order went from the full image, to the one without the glass and made sure that the layer with the Can PNG was above the rest so that the image would be over the top of the first two images, as I wanted to move it freely on screen.

I used an orange background so that the video sticks out to people on their social media apps. If the colour is brighter then the viewers will notice it more. This creates more brand awareness as more people are seeing and interacting with the advertisement.
I also chose orange as it is one of the identified colours from the client brief.

I then created the same image but without the glass. The glass you can see in this screenshot is a YouTube template that i used to get a breaking glass animation. In order to do this, I downloaded the YouTube video and pasted it into the project. After this I shortened the video to the animation's length. Then I used the linear colour key panel which is the screenshot above to change the settings to a PNG layout.
However, I found that there was still some green on this from the green screen. To fix this all i needed to do was turn the saturation all the way down so the image was black and white.
I imported this image of my 3D can into the channels in the bottom of after effects, and made sure the order went from the full image, to the one without the glass and made sure that the layer with the Can PNG was above the rest so that the image would be over the top of the first two images, as I wanted to move it freely on screen.
To do this I used the movement settings to change where the position and the size of the can will be at what specific time in the video. The nodes on the channels show where I have added a change in scale or position, which is labelled on the left.
After this, I added a motion blur preset effect so that the animations looked much smoother, all I needed to do for this was drag and drop the motion blur preset.
This was the next screen that I created. All I needed to do here was create some text using an imported font (Sherman for reference) and made sure that the opacity settings when it fades in are the same as the can.
At the end of my social media video advertisement, I included a brief call to action. I actually included 2 here, as you can see the domain and the logo. This gives people something to remember from the advertisement. That being either the logo for the drink, or to search the domain name to find out more, or even both for some viewers.
The advertisement is online so this will be an interactive link, which means that customers are even more likely to click on it. 
This is good as it means that the 10% sales increase target from the brief becomes more likely and more prominent. This will also heighten brand awareness at the same time.

Conclusion - 

In conclusion, I can confirm that all of my advertisements have been effective whilst also sticking to the client brief very tightly. I think that if this was a real brief and I created these products for it, the client would be happy with these and they would achieve the results that the brief outlined.
If I could change one thing it would be the print design. I would go for a cleaner aesthetic design that matches the rest of my media designs that I have created. However, I am still happy with the way this design looks with style and colours.


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