
Showing posts from March, 2023

(D1) Legal and Ethical Constraints on a Cross-Media Advertising Campaign

This post is to discuss the legal and ethical issues that we will need to take into consideration in our advertisement campaign. The information here will justify the advertisement campaign and it's uses of media, and show how their are being completely legal and ethical about the content in their advertisement. Legal, Ethical and Moral issues are some of the main factors to take into account when creating an advertisement. This is because it develops how an audience will react to your advertisement, and whether it is actually suitable to be streamed on videos. The set of rules that advertisement would need to abide has been set by ASA (Advertising Standards Authority), BBFC (British Board Film Classification), and OFCOM (Office of Communications) Regulatory Bodies -  ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) - ASA is the regulatory body that covers all advertisements. This body will cover everything legal and ethical which may become an issue in an advertisement. They regulate advert

(M2) Justification of Media Choices

The brief for the Bubble and Fizz advertisement campaign covers many things such as the target audience, the target age, the colour theme and aims and objectives of the advertisement. The rest of the brief is up to me to decide on, so here I will justify all of the choices I have made, and explain how they will fit to the brief and become beneficial for the product through the advertisement. Brand Theme -  The brand theme is a broad topic, but can be put into sections such as colour theme, design theme and lifestyle, which I will justify my choices for.  Colour Theme -  For the colour theme, the brief explicitly states that the colours used should be orange and pink. This means that I must incorporate both these ideas into my design as the client has said that's exactly how they want it. This means that I have chosen to make my design a visually pleasing gradient between both colours, or I could also use a more harsh, yet more fun twist between the colours. Design Theme -  The desi

(P3) Create a Pre-production Plan for the Media Components in the Planned Advertisement Campaign

Production Schedule -  Gantt Chart - Storyboard -  Types, Genres and Conventions of Advertisement Campaigns. Advertising Campaign Aim/Purpose -  Clear Benefit, Solution to a Problem, Common Ground, Fulfil a Need. Advertisement Genre and Conventions -  USP, Celebrity Endorsement, Shock Factor. Advertisements ae based largely from the purpose of the advert. This come from the aim/purpose of the promotion, which can be one of four types. There is common ground, clear benefit, solution to a problem or to fulfil a need. Common Ground: For example, a common ground advertisement is a video such as the B&Q build a life campaign, which has relatable and natural content, as well as being largely focused on families which everyone is a part of. These advertisements also generally use direct address, with words such as 'you' being used very commonly. This type of advertising is used commonly with larger products such as cars and homeware, as they like to promote them to families often